Vehicle Operator Training

The way a vehicle is driven can have a significant effect on fuel efficiency. Many companies will have ongoing training programmes that will cover the various aspects that affect fuel consumption. There are two aspects to this training: 1, the operating method and 2, the route selection (only appropriate where no route planning system is available).

Example of a Successful Training Programme

In July 2003, the UK cement division of RMC placed its 300 truck drivers on a driver training programme. This included instruction on how to prevent sudden braking and avoid collision. They also worked in partnership with their vehicle supplier, Volvo, to instal Dynafleet driver and vehicle performance monitors. This allowed performance feedback to drivers and helped to target extra training needs.
As a result, fuel consumption was reduced by 7%. Benefits did not stop at fuel efficiency. There were fewer accidents, less wear on vehicles and a significant environmental benefit. An example of effective driver training where benefits were felt by all parties: the company through reduced costs, the staff because of a safer working environment, and the wider community through less pollution and use of greenhouse fuels and safer roads.